Saturday, July 14, 2012

Can i please have this in my house! I look at this picture and dream of having something like this, but then i think of the poor and destitute around me and around the world. I have come to the conclusion that putting something like that in my house would be selfish and socially irresponsible. If i had the money to build a hot tub with a fireplace, then i have the money to help those who are less fortunate then me. Yes, having it would bring me some joy. But one i had to start cleaning it and repairing it, the joy would be gone. Using the money i would have spent on building this thing to help someone in need would bring me a life time of joy. I believe helping others when you can is the way to go, don't you?
Upon closer observation, I've come to realize that this is not a hot tub, it is in fact a bath tub! yep, couldn't have it. I don't think i am that self centered. But then again, I've never really had money so i don't know what i would do. I hope that i would stay the same but they say money changes people. i would hope that it changes me for the good.
I found this to be Heart warming. Maybe you will to

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stupid Laws

I am so grateful that we have lawmakers that find it necessary to make the dumbest thing in the world law. Well, I suppose I cant put all the blame on lawmakers. I'm sure there was a "concerned" citizen that helped to put these laws on the books. Do you know why we have laws like these? They are there for stupid people. They are there for people that don't have enough common sense to think on their own. Laws like these usually come about after someone has done, or attempted to do, one or more of the following.  
It is against the law to fish from horseback.( Someone probable did this, fell off their horse and got hurt; now its a law. Jackass!!)
It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon.
Birds have the right of way on all highways.
A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence. ( Well that's just not right. If more women new about this law, wives would break the law just to remind their husband who is in charge. I don't like this one at all! )
It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway. ( HUH).
It’s legal for restaurants to serve wine with meals, but only if you ask for the wine list.
It is considered an offense to hunt whales.(Seriously, why is this even on Utah law books? Did someone go out to Utah lake or The Great Salt Lake and start hunting whales?)
No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.(Now they are just taking the fun out of it!)
 32A-12-207. Unlawful sale or supply during emergency.
(1) A person may not sell, offer to sell, or otherwise furnish or supply any alcoholic product in an area during a period of emergency proclaimed by the governor to exist in the area.
(2) This section does not apply if, in the judgment of the governor, the emergency does not require suspension of sale or supply of alcoholic beverages, and the emergency proclamation so provides.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 23, 1990 General Session
Individuals may not possess beer in containers larger than two liters unless they are a retailer. Boxing matches that allow biting are not allowed.
76-6-105. Causing a catastrophe.
(1) Any person who by explosion, fire, flood, avalanche, collapse of a building, release of poison gas, radioactive material, or other harmful or destructive force or substance, or by any other means, causes a widespread injury or damage to persons or property is guilty of causing a catastrophe.
(2) Causing a catastrophe is a felony of the second degree if the person causes it knowingly and a class A misdemeanor if caused recklessly.
Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session
Women may not swear. ( That's right, keep it clean ladies! )
Daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor. ( I think the church may be responsible for this one. Or a jealous girlfriend.)
In Provo,Throwing snowballs will result in a $50 fine.(Cry babies)
No one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin.
Auctions may not be advertised by hiring trombone players to play on the street.
In Tremonton, It is illegal to have sex in a moving ambulance and if you are caught the guy is let go and the woman is punished and her name appears in the newspaper. ( HaHaHa! This one is just to funny)
In Trout Creek, Pharmacists may not sell gunpowder to cure headaches.
It is unlawful for any person to keep within the limits of the City more than one cow, and any person keeping such cow shall obtain from the County Health Department a permit which shall be issued without cost to the applicant and which shall be in force up to January 1 next following its issuance. All stables, barns, yards, feeding and milking equipment, appliances and appurtenances shall be subject to the inspection of the County Health Department or its authorized representative, at all reasonable hours, and shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(1979 Code � 8.24.050; amd. 1999 Code)
Thank you lawmakers for keeping us all safe from our selves and for wasting our money on crap like this.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Don't you love the way some State agencies act like they are there for you. They try to act like they have your best interest at heart...right up until they make a mistake.
I have a friend, who we'll call Jane. Jane needed help last year with food so the state helped her.This past week, Jane gets a letter in the mail telling her that the State gave her over $3000 to much and Jane has 90 days to pay it back!
OK, i understand that people make mistakes, especially those people working for the State, but what gets me is the way they have made Jane out to be the bad guy, making her feel like its her fault that she received to much money. How is she suppose to know how much she's suppose to receive?
Now i understand that this money needs to be payed back because the State screwed up. But what gets me is the letter said she had 90 days to pay it back. If she were able to pay back the $3000 in 90 days, she wouldn't have had to go to the state in the first place! Seriously, how do they expect someone to pay it back? People go to this State agency because they are POOR! HELLO!! The agency even implied that they would take legal action if it wasn't payed back within the 90 days. Well isn't that great, they plan on wasting more money by taking legal action. MORONS! If the State agency really cared about its people, it would help her work out some kind of payment plan instead of threatening her and her family.
This whole thing just pisses me off to no end. i wish i had money so i could help her and to raise a big stink with the State. i would love to take something like this to the media just so the State would know they cant bully around the people that need their help.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I was hoping that by doing this I might start looking at my life a little closer so that I could document the events and maybe, just maybe, other could benefit from my experiences.The sad truth thus far is that I'm a really boring person. When I do try to look deeper into the events of the day and try to find something to write about, it makes my head hurt.
Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing that happened today that isn't normal for a family of seven. My wife got up at 7:30am, the kids woke up shortly after that. She let me sleep in until 9:00am. By 9:30 we were out the door and heading to Payson so we could visit some friend that just had a baby on Friday. we stayed until around lunch time then headed back home for food and to watch a movie. I took a small nap. We went to an Owlz game at five, by six thirty, we were home. the kids played in the pool for a while then came in to play games and watch cartoons. We put the kids in bed at eight and now my wife and I are having mommy/ daddy time.
You see, my life is pretty boring but i am blessed to have such a wonderful wife and amazing kids.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I really don't know how well this is going to workout. i don't like to talk about thing that much so i really don't know why i started this.

workout stuff

hopefuly this works. here are some awesome links for those of you that like to workout.
Here is another link./

New Life

Good morning. This should be an adventure.
For all of you workout freaks, here is a good link.