Don't you love the way some State agencies act like they are there for you. They try to act like they have your best interest at heart...right up until they make a mistake.
I have a friend, who we'll call Jane. Jane needed help last year with food so the state helped her.This past week, Jane gets a letter in the mail telling her that the State gave her over $3000 to much and Jane has 90 days to pay it back!
OK, i understand that people make mistakes, especially those people working for the State, but what gets me is the way they have made Jane out to be the bad guy, making her feel like its her fault that she received to much money. How is she suppose to know how much she's suppose to receive?
Now i understand that this money needs to be payed back because the State screwed up. But what gets me is the letter said she had 90 days to pay it back. If she were able to pay back the $3000 in 90 days, she wouldn't have had to go to the state in the first place! Seriously, how do they expect someone to pay it back? People go to this State agency because they are POOR! HELLO!! The agency even implied that they would take legal action if it wasn't payed back within the 90 days. Well isn't that great, they plan on wasting more money by taking legal action. MORONS! If the State agency really cared about its people, it would help her work out some kind of payment plan instead of threatening her and her family.
This whole thing just pisses me off to no end. i wish i had money so i could help her and to raise a big stink with the State. i would love to take something like this to the media just so the State would know they cant bully around the people that need their help.
Maybe if you took it to one of the news reports that helped the public fight the big legal fights that people can't fight alone!? maybe that would help Jane out! she shouldn't be held responsible for the State's mistake!